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Most unequal place in the world

We will see why we chose this place. South Africa is the most insecure country in the world.

We will see why we chose this place. South Africa is the most insecure country in the world.

Description of the place

South Africa is the most unequal country in the world. These inequalities are due in particular to the lack of social aid, medical aid. They have been suffering from this since before the Covid 19 crisis, so it is getting worse and worse nowadays. The population is divided into two parts, the white population and the black population. The white population is the richest population, they are the privileged ones. There is a not very balanced distribution of wealth in the total population of this country. On top of that, the crisis has increased the unemployment rate so there is more poverty in the country.

To find out more about the sources of these inequalities

All these inequalities are due to apartheid, which I think still persists today, but in a different way. The black population is dominant in the country, they hold 70% of the total wealth of the country, whereas they are only 10% in the country, except those who are unemployed are not part of this percentage. Unemployment is 40% for black South Africans and 8% for white South Africans, so they are still privileged. The white population still dominates because they earn three times more than the black population. But there is also that with women earning 30% less than men regardless of their social status.

Weaknesses persist

This country has still not succeeded in being a nation with great cohesion. The population is divided, does not have access to the same resources. The means to counteract climatic events are very weak, which further increases the inequalities of this country. For example 63% of water is used for agriculture in South Africa. There is a lack of access to drinking water, many children die because of the lack of drinking water and therefore of bacteria. Some children are hospitalised and others die. Education is also unequal and very poor, and this only increases the poverty of this already extremely unequal country. The infrastructure related to education is dilapidated, the success rates are fragile, and this affects a huge number of establishments, even if there are secure establishments that remain weak. The population is undernourished, mainly the black population, and others suffer from obesity because they have access to unhealthy resources, which are too expensive and difficult to access for the majority of the country's population.

Photo of a slum in South Africa, you can feel the misery through this photo.

Photo of a slum in South Africa, you can feel the misery through this photo.

To conclude

We can see that the population is divided in two parts, on one side the white population and on the other the black South Africans. There are a lot of inequalities between these two groups, like bad access to education, distribution of wealth, medical aid, social aid, unemployment, gender at work,... But there is the bad distribution of water and food resources which for me is the most important thing because many people die of malnutrition and diseases due to bacteria linked to drinking water which is difficult to access for different families.

Timeline of the 9 most unequal countries in the world, led by South Africa.

Timeline of the 9 most unequal countries in the world, led by South Africa.